Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Jericho at his first Onion Days parade

Jericho, Parker and Zach at the pool

I got out my Halloween decorations today. Crazy! I can't believe how fast this year has gone by!
My baby boy is 10 months old! What a happy and fun little boy he his. He is always smiling, talking, and moving! He loves to say "da da", "ma ma" and "wow". It's pretty adorable. He is still climbing my stairs like a mad man, but refuses to learn how to go down. I always find him pulling himself up to everything and now he has discovered "The Kitchen"! He loves to bang the cupboard doors and he has discovered that there are lots of great things to play with inside. So, daddy's job is to put our child proof latches on. And soon! He still takes really good naps and sleeps all night. (except for swiss days, I'll expound on that in a minute). He had his first official swimming experience and loved it. He went to his first parade on Monday for Onion Days and did pretty good. He actually paid attention for the first 1/2 hour which is pretty impressive for this active man. He is getting two more teeth on top, one is almost popped through. I'm totally suprised that he hasn't acted like they have bothered him at all. His cheesy grins are about the best thing in the world and to listen to him all day makes me so happy. Sometimes I get a little frustrated always chasing him around, but when I am gone to work, I wish I was home chasing him around.

My girls weekend was a blast. It just had some speed bumps. I was all prepared with Jericho's playpen and the POLAR BEAR, and every other stuffed animal in the world. But, he wouldn't have it. Apparently, he only wants his crib to sleep in and nothing else will do. We had these super nice rooms at Little America and I was so freakin excited. I'm like a little kid in that sleeping in a hotel is like Christmas to me. I LOVE it, and I was sooo looking forward to it. I know, I've got issues. But I ended up walking the floor for 6 hours with Jericho that first night. I even tried just holding him and laying down, and that didn't work. I had to hold him and stand up. Eventually I got him to sleep, but my poor momma and her snoring woke him up. So, I tried going over to my sister's room and I got in bed with Parker. I think I gave the poor kid a heart attack when she realized there were two new people in bed with her. Jericho only tolerated it for about 5 min then started fussing, so I had to get back up. Oh, it was torture! So I decided that I would just have to drive back and forth from Payson to let Jericho sleep at night. So, that was a bummer. But we did get our shopping in and Swiss Days was great fun. I even drove back up to the hotel to let Jericho swim for a bit. I love hanging out with my girls and it really was a fun time. I can't wait til next year! (maybe it can be a boys weekend that week and Daddy can take Jericho:))

1 comment:

M Occasionally B said...

My goodness Cody is the same way! He loves his crib! Most of the time I think it's a really great thing but there are some exceptions like your weekend for example!...I'm sure you'll be grateful when he's three and not sleeping with you and Wade at night!